A Fresh Start

It’s been seven and a half years since my last blog.

This realisation came as quite a shock. What an impressive feat of procrastination! Or it would have been, had I spent the time wantonly indulging myself in worthless pursuits and my natural inclination to nap. Rather I have in this time produced child number three, who, alongside child one and child two, I have managed to feed and water more or less regularly, as well as sustain in accordance with accepted levels of hygiene and fun. There has also been a house move, a PhD (his, not mine), a Masters (mine, not his), a drive to eliminate unnecessary chemicals from the home, landscaping of the garden, attempted loft clearance, countless deliveries to the charity shop/dump, adventurous recipes involving dried pulses, craft projects embarked upon and musical instruments learned.

So, in the terms used by experts in the art of putting things off (they do exist!), it has at least been ‘active procrastination’, which makes me feel a bit better.

Sadly, though, the shock of discovering quite how long ‘tomorrow’ has not arrived for has clearly not been enough to stop me dawdling. In fact, since first starting work on my triumphant return to the blogosphere this morning, I have done every last bit of laundry, made soup, made bread, sent emails, made several phone calls, napped and caught up on a television programme. It would appear my ability to procrastinate is still in the rudest health and I look forward to seeing what personal and home improvements I will achieve over the course of this blog.

It’s good to be back (and to have an empty laundry basket!).

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2 thoughts on “A Fresh Start

  1. Aw what a lovely read, in fact could read about your exploits all day. Keep em coming x

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